Is investing in a breastfeeding pillow a good idea? Is it really worth it?

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I got a breastfeeding pillow as a gift but didn't use it while breastfeeding because it was really uncomfortable. But my baby loved sleeping and playing with it.

9y trước

Oh yes! My 1.5yo toddler still uses our boppy whenever he breastfeeds and uses it as a pillow when he's sleepy as well. One of the best investments i made.

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I used my breast friend pillow. Spent about $80 and used it for under 1 month. Now don't know what to do with it. It's a white elephant now.

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Yes for me. my LO is 5 mths & I'm still using it. if u don't mind,;you can always get a 2nd hand breast pillow.

Found it only useful for the first two weeks. Now I don't use anything. Will not recommend unless it's a hand me down

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For me, it was ok to have. not a must have. my girl is quite chubby and I am ok with feeding her using my own arm. :)

i was told that only will be using it only for a short period... the easiest way is to do tge side latch method...

its worth it.. you can rest yr arms while bf and its esp useful if you delivered via csec

I didn't have 1 but I'm using my normal pillow as breastfeed pillow. So far so good too.

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i only use several times in the first month, its not easy to manage for me.

yes for me. I bot cheekybonbon n baby can use as a pillow to