How to get my kid to play with her toys for longer?

She gets bored of each toy after a few mins - and has soo many toys already!!

How to get my kid to play with her toys for longer?
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1. Offer only one toy at a time 2. Show them how to play with them may be they don’t know how to play with them 3. They might need daily play dates in evening to play with someone else to learn to play with toys

Take away most of the toys and put them in storage. Then, take only a few out at a time and rotate them this way. Your LO will learn to appreciate them better and of course play with them longer this way.

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I will suggest showing only 1-2 toys at a time. You need to demonstrate or play together with her. Make it interesting. Sometime, the toys maybe too difficult for her to play hence lose interest

Rotate her toys on a weekly basis so she will play only a few specific toys or 1 toy at a time. That way, she wouldnt get bored too easily or be spoilt for choice.

Play together and think out of the box for endless possibilities. Also try to rotate her toys on a weekly basis so she wouldnt get bored of it too quickly.

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Change the toys often and hide them out of sight. Go to friend's house to play if they have kids or invite them over. Go to some indoor playground.

Play with her! Kids prefer to play with you than non living things. If she plays with toys alone all the time, she'll get bored of them soon.

All kids are the same. For me, I will only give them 1 box of toy. The rest I will keep, alternate the toys when they are bored with it.

Maybe u should play with her more Create imaginative games with her with the toys It’s all about engagement, interaction together